Fire Doors
A fire door is a door with a fire-resistance rating used as part of a passive fire protection system to reduce the spread of fire or smoke between compartments and to enable safe egress from a building
Should you require a fire door, you’ve come to the right place. Here at Auslfam, we are able to supply & install a vast range of quality fire doors along with quality door hardware to suit your needs.
Our fire doors are fully tested and meet Australian Standards AS1530.4 & AS1905.1. These fire doors are made to a standard thickness of 38mm (mini) & 45mm (maxi).
Fire doors supplied come complete with steel lock, door closer & hinge reinforcment plates along with an ample array of configurations such as single leafs & pairs.
Our range of selected fire doors can be made to order, with a variety of different veneer options making our doors optimal for any refined projects you may have under way, these veneers include but are not limited to:
– MDF face
– Plywood face
– South Pacific Maple (SPM)
– Bolection mouldings to maintin the heritage look of the building
– Laminex face
– Polished stainless steel finish complete channel surrounds (316 Grade) and optional frame to suit
– Steel sheeted complete with channel surrounds
– Steel faced
Solid Core Doors
A solid core is a door consisting of a blockboard pine core, finished with a veneer of your choice when making an order with Ausflam.
Solid core doors are ideally used as external doors, should you require a solid core door, look no further because here at Ausflam, we are able to supply & install a wide range of solid core doors that suit your requirements.
Our selection of solid core doors can also be made to order, with a variety of different veneer options making our doors ideal for any projects you are undergoing.
These doors are available as standard timber faced doors such as HMR, MDF, PLY, Duracoat, South Pacific Maple (SPM), steel faced or fully steel sheeted complete with channel surrounds.
Any of our doors can have accessories added, not only to enhance the look but also to enhance the purpose of the door itself such as viewing panels (fire rated or non fire rated), glazed, semi glazed & bolection mouldings.
Do you need a customised steel door frame to suit your doors? Click here for more information on our steel door frames.
Ready to make an order or have a query? it’s quite simple, please have your door order requirements or your enquiry ready then click here to get in contact with a professional.
If you are in need of any doors we have to offer to suit your project but are unsure of what you need or have any questions about our doors, please do not hesitate to contact us as we will be glad to discuss your options & our services to you.
If you are unsure on what information is needed to place an order, please click here to view our order procedures to assisst you in making your order.